Want to Improve Your Squat? Improve Your Ankle Mobility

A very common question that I get from many people is: “how do I increase the depth of my squat?” The squat is not only an extremely effective, full-body exercise (if done correctly) but also a valuable tool in determining dysfunction  (tight muscles, imbalances, compensations, etc.) In order to squat well ( and pain-free) several events…

Back To School: Back Pack Safety Tips

It’s that time of the year again. Many kids and teens are gearing up to go back to school. For many people that will mean a decrease in activity compared to their summer schedule. This decrease in activity level and increase in time sitting can cause problems with the muscles and joints of the back…

Fast, Effective, Sustainable Weight Loss

We have all been there, the previous months have some how slipped away and now you have only a few weeks before your beach vacation that you were hoping you would be 10 lbs lighter for. For many people this may mean a diet of chicken, lettuce, and water for the next few weeks in order…

3 Surprising Condition’s Chiropractic Physicians Treat

I hear it every day; ” I thought all you guys work on is backs.” It is a very common misconception that all chiropractic is good for is back pain. While we are now the recommended treatment for chronic back pain by the AMA, chiropractic is effective in treating many other musculoskeletal disorders. Chiropractors are musculoskeletal…

Maintain Your Health and Boost Your Performance

Initially, most patients present to my office due to pain. Whether it be shoulder shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain or the like. The first thing that most people want to know is logically ,“how long until I am better?” While this is not a clear cut answer, most patients are symptom free within a few…

Chiropractic & Sports Injury Prevention

How many of you have a nagging injury that seems to flare-up from time to time but has not been bad enough to actually do something about it?  Statistically, many people are injured being active every year. Many of you likely have desk jobs, or jobs that cause you to be seated most of the day.…

3 Gym Exercises to Avoid if You Have Shoulder Pain

This weeks blog post is inspired by a question I get frequently. “What exercises should I avoid for my shoulder?” Shoulder injuries are extremely prevalent in an athletic population. I would bet everyone knows someone who deals with chronic shoulder pain. Often times, the exercises we are doing can aggravate that condition making it worse,…

Effective Relief for Golfer’s Elbow

Summer is upon us and that means a lot of Golf for many people. The problem is, many people have done little all winter in terms of exercise. This leads to deconditioning, and often times injury. Tendinitis is one of the most common musculoskeletal ailments. I am sure many of you have experienced tendinitis at some…

Chiropractic: An Effective Treatment for Tension Headache’s

I would bet that most of us have experienced a headache at one point or another. The location and symptoms however can tell you a lot about the source of the headache and most importantly what you can do to fix it. As a Chiropractic Physician I see a lot of headache complaints. Headaches can…

Resolve Chronic Sacroiliac (SI) Pain

It is generally understood (perhaps too well!) that chiropractors fix back pain (even though we do other things as well!) This is for good reason, chiropractic care can be a successful treatment for mechanical lower back pain, even the AMA recommends spinal manipulation before more invasive options are considered. More recently, spinal manipulation has been…